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What does a criminal lawyer solicitor or attorny do?

Crimonal lawyers, sometimes called defense lawyers or criminal defence lawyers deal with a wide range of cases that are classified as criminal offences. Different countries or states define criminal offences in different ways and therefore it's advisable to contact a local criminal loyer to seek advice as it applies to your local situation. Here is a list of some criminal defenses accross countries that you may need a criminal layer to assist you with:
• Criminal law lawyer

• Criminal defense lawyer

• Criminal attorney

• Criminal law firm and defense attorneys

• Lawyer advice on your right to remain silent

• Lawyer to help you with bail application

• Criminal defence attorney

• Lawyer to help you with an assault charge and asault-related criminal ofences

• Lawyer to help with name suppression application

• Lawyer to help with charges related to stopping at the scene of an accident and running away from an accident

• Lawyer to help you with high court bail aplication

• Lawyer to help when someone has been charged with manslaughter charges

• Lawyer to help regarding robbery and break-in charges

• Lawyer to help regarding murder charges

• Lawyer to assist you when charged with matters related to sexual offence

• Criminal defence lawyer

• Lawyer to advise on jury trial

• Lawyer to help when someone has been charged with disorderly behaviour

• Lawyer to help you with drugs legal matters and drug possession

• Lawyer to help with fraud charges and forgery charges

• Lawyer to help when someone has been charged with fraud including serious fraud

• Lawyer to assist with applications under proceeds of crime act and restraining

• Lawyer to asssit with criminal appeals and appeal process

• Lawyer to assist when someone has been charged with theft or shoplifting

• Lawyer to help in kidnapping charges-related matters

• Lawyer to assist regarding dangerous driving charges

• Lawyer to assist with theft-related accusation or charges

• Lawyer to help regarding charges related to indecent assualt and sexual assualt charges and rape charges

• Lawyer to help with charges related to burglary, robbery including armed robbery

• Lawyer to assist with charges related to dangerous or reckelss driving

• Lawyer to advise on parole hearing matters

• Criminal defense attorney

• Lawyer to help with charges related to wilful damage, hurt

• Lawyer to assist with assets which may be confiscated as a result of criminal conviction

• Defence attorneys

• Lawyer to help with any other criminal charges

• Lawyer to assist when the judicial system is trying to seize or restrain money, property or other assets towards proceeds of criminal activity

• Lawyer to assist with charges related to driving and traffic accident causing body injury to another person or people

• Lawyer to assist with stopping or limiting the extent and scope of confiscation of assets

• Lawyer to assist with charges related to car log book offences

• Lawyer to assist with matters and decisions related to sentencing

• Appeals lawyer

• Lawyer to help with charges related to a traffic driving accident including a car accident causing death or serious injury or disability

• Lawyer to help with criminal charges related to traffic law including refusing to give blood sample while suspected of drink-driving, driving under the inflouence of alcohol (drink-driving, DUI, dwi), driving while disqualified, driving under the influence of drugs,

• Lawyer to assist with community service conviction

• Lawyer to assist with appearences for bail application

• Lawyer to help with status hearing or defended hearing

• Lawyer to help with home detention applications

• Lawyer to assist with an appeal against a sentence

• Lawyer to assist in case of conviction

• Lawyer to help with cases of bail refusal

• Lawyer to assist with court application to be discharged without conviction

• Lawyer to help with pre-trial application regarding the evidence

Accusations and charges under criminal law can have most severe consequences. Often, it's advisable not to handle these situations by yourself, right from the beginning. An experienced criminal defense solicitor or attorney or a barrister specialising in criminal law will be able to guide you through your matter. Delaying the moment you seek legal advice can have significant imppact on the outcome of the legal proceedings and your legal record.

Compensation for victims of crime - lawyer help

Every country or state will have different legislation and rules guiding what can and what cannot be compensated for when someone is a victim of crime. A local lawyer experienced in local legislative system should be able to advise you on if you can seek compensation when you are a victim of a criminal act. A solicitor or an attorney should be able to guide you through how you can seek compnesation.

Compensation for a victim of false accusation or charges under criminal law

This is a more complex area and, again, different countries and states, have quite different laws as to if and to what extent someone who has been wronly accused of criminal activity they can be compensated for. An experienced criminal lawyer should guide you through your compensation seeking process. Don't be short-changed. Sometimes authorities, having recognised that they have wrongly accused you, may be offering some small compensation amount upfront. You should check with experienced criminal law solicitors or attorneys if you may have a realistic chance of larger compensation. Some lawyers may be prepared to offer a deal under No Win - No Pay (also knows as No Win - No Fee) arranngement in an attempt to seek compensation for you for the loss and trauma you may have experienced as a result of flase criminal offence charges.

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